
About .

Dear friends! Brothers and Sisters! Our beloved people having consciousness and belief over the Astrology! After offering my prayers to Lord Ganesha, I bow with folded hands to submit this short brief to share with you about us and proven facts generated within us on our views about Astrology.
We specific research in the field of Astrology is going on during the past 14 years. Thousands of People were so far benefited through ou consultancy.
This Website is created to focus light on our Astrological Research to render beneficial assistance to the entire world. The prime aim of this Website is to convey the remedial measures to overcome the impediments experienced by the people.


It is a continuous and concerted process of research on Astrology since olden days. Initially, the expertise of the research conducted by the Mystics and Wizards in the field of Astrology were blessed to us on the following aspects:
Transit of planets, Constellations, Period of transit of planets at constellations, Effects to the world due to their transit, Benefic and malefic effects to every human being consequent to their transit.

We are able to gain awareness by going through the following briefs:

By ascertaining the time of birth, the zodiacal sign rising at the moment of one’s birth would be considered as Lagna. Based on the transit of planets at the respective constellations on the particular day of one’s birth, the influences and consequences in his/her life would be conveyed.
In the Vedic Astrology, the matter related to birth, education, character, marriage, luck, venture or job, diseases, and accident are briefed.
Through our Astrosiddar.com Astrological Center, the benefic and malefic effects, education, job, business, about love marriage or otherwise, cordial relationship between couple, divorce, childbirth, disease (when would be cured or chronic), venture (obstacles and legal problems in every activity), possibility of possessing own house or residing in rented house continually, unforeseen luck, spiritual involvement, etc. would be briefed precisely. In addition, appropriate measures for rectification of the problems and simple remedies would be implied.
- Ask Astro Siddar 3 Questioms
- Daily Horoscope
- Astro Siddar Store – 1. Energized Tabiz or Lucy Locket, 2. Yantra, 3. Gem Predition
Lucky Names (Numerlogy)
- ASK ASTRO SIDDAR : You simply need for submit three questions that are important to your current life situation. You need provide your birth date, time and place. You will receive positive answers you have been searching for as well as true remedies to finally solve your problems.
- LUCKY NAMES : Your name is power full symbol that distinguishes you as individual. The sound waves of your name have on energetic waves of your name had an energetic vibration, which directly affects your life. Astro Siddar will give you a new name or make slight alterations to your existing name. Name changing is a proven esoteric science that has been used for centuries.
In Numerology, based on the number arrived after adding date of birth, year, etc. in proportionate to the number of the planet, the name change or name is ascertained. In this regard, it is the proved fact that, in most of the cases, the benefic effects for most of the people would be found to be false. Because, the planet arrived at by numerology, if depleted in the horoscope it would provide malefic influence only and nothing more. In this aspect only, I contradict and adopt Astro Numerology. After thorough scrutiny of the horoscope and ascertaining the planet which would bring benefic effects or which is presently providing favorable influence, the name would be fixed accordingly. As a result, it would fetch prosperous life.
Nowadays everybody wear gem stones by adopting some method. Some people consider month of birth or birth star or birth raasi (Moon Sign) as basic for ascertaining gem stone. This procedure is totally ridiculous. As such, the present major period, benefic planets and malefic planets should be thoroughly scrutinized and then only they should wear the appropriate gem stone as analyzed.
Vedic yanthras are geometrical figures intended to represent the basic energies. In other words Vedic Yanthras are the graphic representations of mantras. The Yanthras are designed to remove the afflictions to obtain a particular result.